Monday, March 16, 2009

Loss of a Family Member

As you all know we were unable to make our trip to Kentucky to see my mother-in-law. I spoke with both my father and mother-in-law Friday after my mother-in-laws doctor appointment, they said her pain medication was increased but she was doing better. So now our plan is to go visit the first weekend in April. Saturday Ben replaced the ball joints on the truck so now it is safe to drive (long day Saturday). We had an uneventful Sunday except for the normal first ball practice of the season (yes I am playing ball again). Monday morning : it is extremely foggy this morning and little chilly but the birds are out in full force singing. I am entertaining the idea of sleeping a few more hours when my cell phone rings (most generally when this happens it's Chris wanting me to bring him something when I go into town) as I pick up the phone I see that the caller is my brother-in-law Timmy (okay now my heart has sunk) the last time I talk to Timmy was two weeks before Thanksgiving when he called to give me an update on my mother-in-law. He had some sad news for us my mother-in-law passed this morning around 0730, he said she was real bad yesterday and that they knew it was coming so they spent the whole day with her. twenty minutes later my niece Tabatha called to tell me the news of my mother-in-laws passing. What to do now? Many questions as to why we were guided in the direction of not going? Please keep Craig's family in prayer as this will be a trying time for them as they must carry on without the physical company of their loved one.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day one

So I am actually on vacation today, what a change from my normal routine (okay so what is really normal?) Ben and I were suppose to drive to Kentucky this afternoon but between the weather and the truck needing repairs and work I had to cancel my trip to Kentucky. My prayer is that my mother-in-law will make it until we get back to see her the first week of April. If your not aware she has been battleing lung cancer for two years now and is on the down hill side of the battle. I found out tonight that Hospice has been coming in for about a month now. A flood of memories come rushing in when I think about not getting there in time to say goodbye as I did not make it in time to say goodbye to my father who as you know died of cancer in April of 2003. This was only one portion of my day as I was on my way to the base this afternoon I was passed by a yound pilot who apprently thought I was going tooooooo slooooooow only to find out there was a car in front of me. He preceeded to pass both of us and almost clip the car in the oncoming lane to OH to get to the Base Gas Station a whopping 2 minutes before me. So I pull up and start pumping my gas only to feel the steam pouring out of my ears in frustration because of this young man (Ashley would be so proud) as I walked out after paying I looked over and preceeded to say"I HOPE YOU FLY PLANES BETTER THAN YOU DRIVE" the look of astonishment on this young mans face was PRICELESS as I said (Ashley would be proud) just another day in Oklahoma pardise.